Personal Training

Essentrics® was scientifically designed alongside neuromuscular and physiotherapy specialists to rebalance 600+ muscles, 300+joints, and all the surrounding connective tissues that allows us to move freely. The specialized routines were carefully created using a well-designed formula to ensure each and every part of the body is stretched, strengthened, and lubricated in order to correct imbalances. Most importantly, this formula takes into consideration the safety and correct body placement with each client to not only avoid injuries, but to obtain maximum benefits from each workout!

Personal training with me is beneficial to EVERYONE learning the Essentrics® technique! This allows me to carefully critique your form, and take the time necessary to fine-tune any discrepancies.  Safety is my number one priority!

Individualized Essentrics allows me to customize routines to gain relief from any of the following:

  • Acute or chronic pain in the joints, muscles, tendon or ligaments
  • Conditions such as plantar fasciitis, tennis elbow, and/or work-related injuries or imbalances
  • Tight, sore or weak muscles
  • Movement disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and others

Personal training includes a one-hour fitness routine and a 15 minute consultation.  A FREE TRIAL is offered to those NEW to Essentrics®.  This will include a 30 minute consult and a 30 minute fitness routine.

I encourage all of my clients to consider individualized Essentrics® in order to achieve maximum benefits of any Essentrics® routine!  Book your session today!